1038 Langdales Pike#2FFB930
219 River Brathay w#2FFB94D
327 Cottage near Loughrigg
84 Langdale Pikes f#2FFB957
Ashness Detail 2C
Borrowdale pillar
Colwith Force Cumbria
Frosty Brathay with posts
Frosty steps, Gunpo#2FF93A2
Grasmere morning print
Grasmere pink dawn fr9
Iced Brathay Reeds fr12
Langdale 2c pc
Langdale Icy Stream c1
Leaf detail, River Brathay
Materdale Church2 p#2FFB6CE
St Bega's Church Ba#2FF93AB
Trees and frost, R Brathay
Wetherlam sunrise